若米知识 > 情感 > emma经典台词








除了剧情, 最吸引我的其实是Emma Watson那一口清晰、标准的英音 ,让人听着炒鸡舒服且极其有好感!此外,因为剧情本身是我们所熟知的,加上台词本身的难度并不大,所以这部电影十分适合大家学习英语!尤其是对于那些想要学习英式发音的同学们,都非常有帮助哦~


1. Love can turn a man into a beast; also can let an ugly people become noble .


(noble——adj. 高尚的; 贵族的; 外表庄严和庄重的)

2. Think of the one thing that you've always wanted. See it in your mind' s eyes and feel it in your heart.


3. Waiting here for evermore .


(evermore——adv. 始终,永久; 将来,今后)


这是一场顶级的好莱坞歌舞秀,也是一个由真实 历史 改编的故事。剧中有许多经典台词和插曲,值得大家细细回味与学习,也十分适合同学们积累英文短句的素材。提到最让人印象深刻的部分,不少人提到的是男主说的那句“能给人带来快乐的才是真正的艺术”,以及在电影最后的那句振奋人心的话:“唯有与众不同才能改变世界”。除此之外,屡获大奖的片中插曲《This is me》也收到了大众的好评,里面的每一句歌词都写得很振奋人心,非常值得单曲循环!


1. The noblest art is that of making others happy。


2. I am brave, I am proof. I am who I'm meant to be , this is me.


(be meant to be——应做;照道理,照规矩应该做)

3. This is a celebration of humanity .


(humanity—— n. 人类; 人性; 人道; 人文学科)




1. Some mistakes… Just have greater consequences than others. But you don’t have to let the result of one mistake be the thing that defines you.


(consequence——n. 推论; 结果,成果; 重要性)

2. I have become a whole new person because of you.


(whole new——全新的)

3. Live boldly . Push yourself. Don't settle.


(boldly——adv. 大胆地,显眼地)

4. I will never, ever regret the things I’ve done. Because most days,all you have are places in your memory that you can go to.


(regret sth. / regret doing sth. ——后悔做某事)





1. The history of emperor succession, are in the former case died, and will die soon, my predecessor is not only alive, alive and well.

历史 上君主的继任,都是在前任过世的情况下,或者将不久于人世。我的前任现在不仅活着,还活得好好的。


(predecessor——n. 前任,前辈; 原有事物,前身; 祖先)

2. In the past 25 years of up and downs, King George taught us the most important…… Is leadership and warm on the subjucts that big brother, when he was alive, the whole empire beacon .


(beacon——n. 烽火; 灯塔,信号浮标; 指路明灯; 警标,界标; vt. 照亮,指引; 为…设置信标; 用灯指引)

3. If I am King, where is my power Can I declare war Form a government Levy a tax No! And yet I am the seat of all authority because they think that when I speak, I speak for them. But I can’t speak.


(levy——n. 征税; 征兵; v. 征收,索取; 征税,征集)

(authority——n. 权威; 权力)





1. Life is so mystery.


(mystery——n. 秘密,谜; 神秘,神秘的事物; 推理小说,推理剧)

2. Don't make a bitter face for the past, and don't worry about the future, just be here now. BE HERE NOW.

对过去的事不要一副苦瓜脸,对未来也不要愁眉苦脸,只要,活在当下,活 在 当 下。

3. They do things that dogs can't understand, like leave.






1. Walking through a crowd, the village is a glow. Kaleidoscope of loud heartbeats under coats. Everybody here wanted something more, searching for a sound we hadn’t heard before, and it said: welcome to New York.


(kaleidoscope——n. 万花筒; 千变万化,瞬息万变)

2. Katie and I, well, we have the perfect relationship.


3. I only know the doggy paddle, and I don' t know it well.






1. Life's a little bit messy . We all make mistakes.


(messy——adj. 凌乱的,散乱的; 肮脏的; 复杂的,麻烦的,难以应付的)

2. No matter what type of animal you are, change starts with you.


3. Everyone comes to Zootopia, thinking they could be anything they want. But you can't.







优质回答 篇一:one day 经典片段台词


Dexter: You know, we’ve never actually met.

Emma: Actually, we have. Several times.

Dexter: Have we

Emma: You gatecrashed my birthday party, called me Julie. And

spilled red wind down my top.

Dexter: Ouch. Well, I am sorry about that.

Emma: No, not at all. You are delightful.

Dexter: Was I

Emma: No. No, you weren’t.

Dexter: Look, if you’re not Julie, then.

Emma: I’m Emma. Emma. Emma Morley. Emma Morley.

Dexter: (say Emma Morley in whispers ) Listen, I’ll walk you home.


Dexter: Wow. You look incredible. (kiss) Let’s see the dress.

(turn around) Is it vintage

Emma: No, it’s brand new.

Dexter: Really

Emma: Mmm.

Dexter: Well, you look great, and I love the shoes.

Emma: Thank you. It’s the world’s first orthopedic high heel. Dexter: Look, it’s been too long, Em.

Emma: I need to have some fun tonight. Can we have fun,


Dexter: God, sorry. (pick up the phone) Look, I’ll be two

seconds. It’s work. (leave and talk to the phone) Suki, you nutter. I thought you were supposed to be at the party.

Emma: You do know they damage your brain

Dexter: They do not damage your brain.

Emma: How can you tell

Dexter: Ha ha, very funny, Em. I guarantee you, one year, and

you’ll have one of these.

Emma: You’re on. If I ever get a mobile phone, you can buy me


Dexter: What, again

Dexter: So, come on. How’s the king of comedy

Emma: Oh, Ian’s fine. We both are.

Dexter: Are you still very much in love

Emma: He can belch the theme to The A-Team. I’m only flesh

and blood. (drink) I don’t know. These days, we don’t seem to… Dexter: (interrupt)And how’s the new place How’s that Emma: Flat’s fine. Well, it’s a room and a half in murder mile.

And Ian’s been talking about painting the same wall for the past six months. But it’s got potential. There’s a view. The Gasworks. (Dexter drink) You should come round. (Emma drink) How’s Suki

Dexter: Oh, she’s fantastic. Yeah, gorgeous.

What’s great for me is that she really understands the

industry. You know, she knows exactly what it’s like to be.

I was gonna say “famous.” God, we hate the word.

Emma: Every time I turn on the telly, she’s there in pink rubber


She’s doing incredibly well.

Dexter:Yeah, yeah.

Well, we both are.

I got some really, really exciting stuff coming up. It’s all sort of in development.

If I told you, I’d have to shoot you.

Emma: Please do.

Dexter: Never mind. Start without me, all right

Dexter: Look at this. This looks gorgeous.

Are you all right

Emma: Maybe she could join us

Dexter: Hey, hey, hey, what’s this I’m here to see you,


Right, well, how’s the teaching

(Emma put down the fork) What

Emma: If you’re not interested, don’t ask.

Dexter: I’m interested.

I just thought you were going to be writing this novel, That’s all.

Emma: And I will. But I have to earn a living.

More to the point, I enjoy it. I’m a bloody good teacher. Dexter: I’m sure you are.

Still, you know what they say

Emma: No, what do they say

Dexter: You know, “There who can…”

Emma: No, I’m not familiar. Finish the sentences.

Dexter: All right. Well, “Those who can, do, and those who

can’t teach.”

Emma: And those who can teach say, “Go fuck yourself.”

Dexter: Em! Em, come on. Look, whatever I’ve done, I’m sorry. You’ve obviously had a bit too much to drink. Emma: You’re drunk! You’re drunk.

Do you realize that I have literally not seen you sober

for three years

Nipping off to the toilet every 10 minutes.

Either you’re on coke, or you’ve got dysentery.

Either way, it’s boring! Banging on about yourself all

the time.

Well, I wouldn’t mind, Dex, you’re a TV presenter, all

right You are not invented penicillin.

All you do is stand around shouting, “Make some


Dexter: Look, I am having fun, that’s all.

I’ve been through a lot recently.

I might get a bit carried away, but if you wouldn’t stop

getting at me…

Emma: Am I I don’t mean to, and I …

I know that you’ve been through a lot with your mum

and all, I know.

But, there are things that I needed to talk to you about.


Therewasatimewhenmenwerekind,whentheirvoicesweresoft,andtheirwordsinviting.Therewasatimewhenlovewasblind,andtheworldwasasong,andthesongwasexciting!Therewasatime,thenitallwantwrong. 曾几何时,男人们和颜悦色,他们声音温柔,话语讨人欢喜。曾几何时,爱情无所禁忌,世界是一首歌,歌声动人心弦!又是何时,一切都已不再。

2.Idreamedadreamintimegoneby,whenhopewashighandlifeworthliving.Idreamedthatlovewouldneverdie.IdreamedthatGodwouldbeforgiving.ThenIwasyoungandunafraid.Anddreamsweremadeandusedandwasted.Therewasnoransomtobepaid,nosongunsung,nowineuntasted.Butthetigerscomeatnightwiththeirvoicessoftasthunder.Astheytearyourhopeapart,astheyturnyourdreamtoshame. 曾几何时,我流连梦境,心比天高,人生充满希望。我梦见爱情永不消逝。我梦见上帝慈爱宽恕。那时我多么年轻,多么无畏。随心梦想,从不设防。不必付出什么代价,无歌不唱,无酒不尝。然而猛兽在黑夜来袭,如晴天霹雳轰然炸响。活生生撕碎了希望,把美梦全变成懊悔。

3.Hesleptasummerbymyside.Hefilledmydayswithendlesswonder.Hetookmychildhoodinhisstride,buthewasgonewhenautumncame.AndstillIdreamhe’llcometome,thatwewilllivetheyearstogether.Buttherearedreamsthatcannotbe.Andtherearestormswecannotweather. 他睡在我身边一个夏天。他给我带来无穷惊喜。他随手摘去了我的童年,当秋天到来,他却消失不见。我仍然梦想他会回到我身边,我们还能相守一生。但总有些梦无法成真。总有些风暴会把人摧毁。 4.Ihadadreammylifewouldbe,sodifferentfromthishellI’mliving,sodifferentnowfromwhatitseemed!NowlifehaskilledthedreamIdreamed. 我曾梦见的那种人生,与这人间地狱截然不同,何曾想过命运如此无常!现实却残忍击碎了我的梦。 《Stars》 5.There,outinthedarkness,afugitiverunning.FallenfromGod,fallenfromgrace.God,bemywitness!Inevershallyieldtillwecomefacetoface!Tillwecomefacetoface!Heknowshiswayinthedark.MineisthewayoftheLord. 在那儿,茫茫黑夜中,一个逃犯在潜行。背叛了上帝,辜负了天恩。上帝,请为我见证!哪怕穷尽一生,我也要让他无处遁形!我也要让他无处遁形!他在暗处轻车熟路。我跟随天主,堂堂正正。 6.Thosewhofollowthepathoftherighteousshallhavetheirreword.Andiftheyfall,asLuciferfell.Theflame!Thesword!Starsinyourmultitudes!Scarcetobecounted.Fillingthedarknesswithorderandlight.Youarethesentinels.Silentandsure!Keepingwatchinthenight.Keepingwatchinthenight!Youknowyourplaceinthesky.Youholdyourcourseandyouraim!Andeachinyourseasonreturnsandreturns,andisalwaysthesame.Andifyoufall,asLuciferfell,youfallinflames!Andsoitmustbe,forsoitiswrittenonthedoorwaytoParadise,thatthosewhofalterandthosewhofallmustpaytheprice! 走正义之路的人风雨兼程,奖赏终获怀中。如果他们坠落,如路西弗堕入地狱。烈焰蚀心!利剑折磨!看苍穹中繁星闪烁!数不清的几百万颗,以光明和秩序点亮黑暗。人间的卫士啊!沉默又坚定!守望着黑夜。守望着黑夜!你深知你在天空的使命。你目标坚定,心无旁骛!四季变换,你随之轮转,如果你坠落,如路西弗堕入地狱,你也会烈焰焚身!天理昭彰,书载言传,去往天堂的通路上,动摇者和堕落者必得付出代价! 7.Lord,letmefindhim,thatImayseehimsafebehindbars!Iwillneverresttillthen!ThisIswear!ThisIswearbythestars! 主啊!让我找到他,将他置于牢笼之下!我会不眠不休,直到那天为止!我以这星辰之名向你起誓! 《OnMyOwn》 8.Onmyown,pretendinghe’sbesideme.Allalone,Iwalkwithhimtillmorning.Withouthim,Ifeelhisarmsaroundme.AndwhenIlosemyway,Iclosemyeyesandhehasfoundme.Intherain,thepavementshineslikesilver.Allthelightsaremistyintheriver.Inthedarkness,thetreesarefullofstarlight.AndallIseeishimandmeforeverandforever! 一个人,假装他在我身旁。孤单单,他陪我走到天亮。他不在,我却能感到他的拥抱。迷路时只需闭上双眼,他就会找到我。雨朦胧,地面银光闪烁。看街灯,映河水如烟如梦。黑暗中,树枝间缀满星辰。我仿佛看见我俩相伴,直到永远! 9.AndIknowit’sonlyinmymind.ThatI’mtalkingtomyselfandnottohim,andalthoughIknowthatheisblind.StillIsaythere’sawayforus.Ilovehim.Butwhenthenightisover,heisgone,theriver’sjustariver.Withouthim,theworldaroundmechanges.Thetreesarebareandeverywhere,thestreetsareallfullofstrangers. 我知道,这不过是我的想象。那些话都是我自言自语,也知道他只会视而不见。但仍觉得,我们还有希望。我爱他,但当黑夜结束,他消失,河又变回了平凡的河。没有他,我周围的一切都变了。到处都是光秃秃的树木,街上都是陌生的目光。 10.Ilovehim.ButeverydayI’mlearning.Allmylife,I’veonlybeenpretending.Withouthim,hisworldwillgoonturning.Aworldthat’sfullofhappinessthatIhaveneverknown.Ilovehim,butonlyonmyown. 我爱他,但我也日渐明了。这一生,我不过在欺骗自己。没有我,他的世界依然如故。那里满是我从未体会过的幸福。我爱他,但是只是我一厢情愿罢了。 《OneDayMore》 11.Onedaymore,anotherdestiny.Thisnever-endingroadtoCalvary.Thesemenwhoseemtoknowmycrimewillsurelycomeasecondtime.Onedaymore!Ididnotliveuntiltoday.HowcanIlivewhenwearepartedOnedaymore!Tomorrowyou’llbeworldsaway.Andyetwithyoumyworldhasstarted! 只待明日!新的一天,新的命运。耗尽慢慢一生,走向骷髅地(耶稣受难地)。这些人知道我过去的罪,终究不会放过我。只待明日!我的人生自今日才有意义。若与你分离,我怎能活下去?只待明日!明日我们就要天各一方。我们的世界才刚刚开始! 12.Onemoredayallonmyown!WillweevermeetagainOnemoredaywithhimnotcaring.Iwasborntobewithyou!WhatalifeImighthaveknown.AndIswearIwillbetrue!Butheneversawmethere! 明日我依旧孑然一身!我们还能相见吗?明日他依旧不闻不问。我注定要与你在一起!我本该拥有怎样的人生。我发誓为你永守忠贞!为他守候,他却看不见!



偏见与成见的危险,人生探索的启迪,所有的大人起先都是孩子,正因为对某物某事付出过才使得某物某事变得如此重要,勇于承担责任的重要……下面就让我们重温一下小王子的经典语录吧。 You know — one loves the sunset, when one is so sad…


If someone loves a flower, of which just one single blossom grows in all the millions and millions of stars, it is enough to make him happy just to look at the stars. He can say to himself, "Somewhere, my flower is there…" But if the sheep eats the flower, in one moment all his stars will be darkened… And you think that is not important!


Flowers are so inconsistent! But I was too young to know how to love her…


For she did not want him to see her crying. She was such a proud flower…


My flower is ephemeral, and she has only four thorns to defend herself against the world. And I have left on my planet, all alone!

我的花生命是短暂的,她只有四根刺可以保护自己,抵御世界,我却将她独自留在我的星球上了! His flower had told him that she was only one of her kind in all universe. And here were five thousand of them, all alike, in one single garden!


I thought that I was rich, with a flower that was unique in all the world; and all I had was a common rose. A common rose…


To me, you are still nothing more than a little boy who is just like a hundred thousand other little boys. And I have no need of you. And you, on your part, have no need of me. To you, I am nothing more than a fox like a hundred thousand other foxes. But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world.


The wheat fields have nothing to say to me. And that is sad. But you have hair that is the color of gold. Think how wonderful that will be when you have tamed me! The grain, which is also golden, will bring me back the thought of you. And I shall love to listen to the wind in the wheat.


It is your own fault, I never wished you any sort of harm; but you wanted me to tame you. but now you are going to cry! Then it has done you no good at all!


It has done me good, because of the color of the wheat fields. Go and look again at the roses. You will understand now that yours is unique in all the world.


And now here is my secret, a very simple secret. It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eyes.


It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important.


Men have forgotten this truth. But you must not forget it. You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed. You are responsible for your rose…


Only the children know what they are looking for. They waste their time over a rag doll and it becomes very important to them; and if anybody takes it away from them, they cry…


As for me, if I had fifty-three minutes to spend as I liked, I should walk at my leisure toward a spring of fresh water.


The stars are beautiful, because of a flower that cannot be seen.


What makes the desert beautiful is that somewhere it hides a well…


The house, the stars, the desert – what gives them their beauty is something that is invisible!


What moves me so deeply, about this little prince who is sleeping here, is his loyalty to a flower – the image of a rose that shine through his whole being like the flame of a lamp, even when he is asleep…


The men where you live, raise five thousand roses in the same garden – and they do not find in it what they are looking for. And yet what they are looking for could be found in one single rose, or in a little water. But eyes are blind. One must look with the heart…


All men have the stars, but they are not the same things for different people. For some, who are travelers, the stars are guides. For others they are no more than little lights in the sky. F

or others, who are scholars, they are problems. For my businessman they were wealth. But all these stars are silent. You – you alone – will have the stars as no one else has them…


In one of the stars I shall be living. In one of them I shall be laughing. And so it will be as if all the stars were laughing, when you look at the sky at night… You – only you – will have stars that can laugh…


And when your sorrow is comforted time soothes all sorrows you will be content that you have known me. You will always be my friend. You will want to laugh with me. And you will sometimes open your window, so, for that pleasure… And your friends will be properly astonished to see you laughing as you look up at the sky! Then you will say to them, "Yes, the stars always make me laugh!"


And no grown-ups will ever understand that this is a matter of so much importance!




优质回答1. 疯狂原始人1里面10句经典台词,英文的,要有中文翻译,

1、Guy: This is called a brain. I think that's where ideas go.

Thunk: Dad, I don't have a brain.



2、Grug:A cave!Everyone inside!

Gran:It looks the cave have a tongue!Very magical!



3、Eap:What is that

Guy: fire

Thunk:Fire is bitting me !




4、Guy: I call them shoes.

Eap:I'm love it.But where my feet



5、Sandy:Release the baby!



6、We never had the chance to explore the outside world because of my dad's one rule:New is always

bad. Never not be afraid!


7、Now we don't call it alive, it's just not to die


8、Don't hide, don't be afraid of the dark,follow the lights,then you can find tomorrow!

2. 疯狂原始人20个精彩英语句子

Guy: Once upon a time, there was a beautiful tiger. She lived in a cavewith the rest of her family. Her father and mother told her: "You may goanywhere you want, but never go near the cliff, for you could fall." Grug: And fall. Good story.Guy: But when no one was looking, she go near the cliff, for the closershe came to the edge, the more could she hear, the more could she see, the moreshe could feel. Finally, she stood at the very edge. She saw a light. Sheleaned out to touch it。

and she slipped.Grug: And she fell.Guy: And she flew.Thunk: Where did she flyGuy: Tomorrow.Eep: TomorrowGuy: A place with more suns in the sky than you can count.Thunk: It would be so bright!Guy: A place not like today, or yesterday. A place where things arebetter.Grug: Tomorrow isn't a place. It's-it's-it。 Ugh! You can't see it!Guy: Oh, yes, yes it is. I've seen it. That's where I'm going.Thunk: Let's do that again. I think I blinked.Grug: No one said survival was fun.Guy: I'll call it the end!Guy: Belt also keeps my pants up.Eep: Hey, do you have a minute How did the tiger flyGuy: I only share when I'm outside the log. I'm funny that way.Thunk: You need a name, I think I'll call you Douglas. Roll overDouglas.Guy: This is called a brain. I think that's where ideas go.Thunk: Dad, I don't have a brain.Eep: With every sun comes a new day. A new beginning. A hope thatthings will be better today than they were yesterday. But not for me. My nameis Eep. And this is my family, the Croods. If you weren't clued in already bythe animal skins and sloping foreheads, we're cavemen. Most days we spend inour cave, in the dark. Night after night, day after day. Yep, home sweet home.When we did go out, we struggled to find food in a harsh and hostile world. AndI struggled to survive my family. We were the last ones around. There used tobe neighbors. Uh, the Gorts, smashed by a mammoth. The Horks, swallowed by asand snake. The Erfs, mosquito bite. Throgs, common cold. And the Croods,that's us. The Croods made it, because of my dad. He was strong, and hefollowed the rules. The ones painted on the cave walls. Anything new is bad.Curiosity is bad. Going out at night is bad. Basically, anything fun is bad.Welcome to my world! But this is a story about how all that changed in aninstant. Because what we didn't know was that our world was about to come to anend. And there were no rules on our cave walls to prepare us for that.Grug: Release the baby!Guy: You're really heavy.Eep: [flattered] Really Thank you!Grug: Three days is not forever!Eep: It is with this family.Gran: I was in love once. He was a hunter, I was a gatherer. It wasquite the scandal. We fed each other berries, we danced. Then father bashed himon the head and traded me to your grandfather.。

3. (急)求中译英,《疯狂原始人》里第一句台词~要够人性化,好

第一句:With every sun comes new day. A new beginning. A hope that things will be better today than they were yesterday. But not for me。

第二句:My name is Eep. And this is my family. The Groods. If you weren't clued already, by animal skin, and sloping forehead, we are cave man.

4. 从疯狂原始人中摘抄精彩的语句,至少10句

We never had the chance to explore the outside world because of my dad's one rule:New is always bad.Never not be afraid! 我们从没机会探索外面的世上,是因为我爸爸的这条规则:新事物是不好的,永恒要小心!Now we don't call it alive, it's just not to die我们现在这不叫活着,这只是没有死去Don't hide, don't be afraid of the dark,follow the lights,then you can find tomorrow!不要躲避,不要害怕黑暗,向着太阳,你就能找到明日! (正能量台词)Guy: This is called a brain. I think that's where ideas go.Thunk: Dad, I don't have a brain.小盖:这是大脑,我想的很多点子都来自这里。

(傻蛋)坦克:老爸!我没有大脑!Grug:A cave!Everyone inside!Gran:It looks the cave have a tongue!Very magical!爸爸:是洞穴!大家快进去!奶奶:这洞穴还有舌头,真神奇!Eap:What is thatGuy: fireThunk:Fire is bitting me !小伊:这是什么?小盖:是火。(傻蛋)坦克:火怎么会咬人啦!Guy: I call them shoes.Eap:I'm love it.But where my feet?盖:我叫它们为鞋子小伊:我好喜欢,这我的脚呢?Sandy:Release the baby!小珊:放孩子咬它!Eep: My name's Eep and this is my family, the Croods. We never had the chance to explore the outside world because of my dad's one rule:Eep: Never leave the cave.Grug: New is always bad. Never not be afraid!Eep: We never had a chance to explore the outside world, but what we didn't know was that our world was about to change."Guy: I am guy.Eep: Guy.Guy: And this is Belt.Guy: Cook, conversationalist, navigator。

5. 200字英文介绍:疯狂原始人

The Croods is a 2013 American 3D computer-animated adventure comedy film. The film is set in a fictional prehistoric Pliocene era known as The Croodaceous (a period which contains fictional prehistoric creatures) when a caveman's position as a "Leader of the Hunt" is threatened by the arrival of a prehistoric genius who comes up with revolutionary new inventions as they trek through a dangerous but exotic land in search of a new home.


6. 疯狂原始人影评英文版

From DreamWorks studios comes its latest animated adventure, the prehistoric family comedy The Croods. It is a slapstick-heavy family movie that should delight young children and keep parents entertained.The Croods are the last remaining family in an arid desert landscape. They have survived by following family patriarch Grug's (Nicolas Cage) rules to the letter, including staying in the cave after dark and fearing anything that seems new (new is BAAAD). Despite this, teenage daughter Eep (Emma Stone) wants to break free and rebels against her father, which results in a chance meeting with the highly inventive Guy (Ryan Reynolds), who warns her that the end of the world is nigh. When the Croods' cave is destroyed, the family is forced on a journey into a strange new world where Grug's rules clash with Guy's techniques for survival.The Croods is a formulaic movie that sticks to a traditional hero's journey and relies on typical archetypes, but it's elevated by the writing and direction of Kirk DeMicco and How to Train Your Dragon's Chris Sanders. Like Sanders' previous work, The Croods focuses on a family's dynamic and relationships. This time, the focus is on a protective father who wants to protect his family physically and protect his daughter from a member of the opposite sex who suddenly challenges his position as the alpha male. While the trailers and first half of the movie made is seem Eep was the main character, it's actually Grug who goes through the greatest change and learns the biggest lessons.The story is one about learning, exploring, and using one's intelligence. It also touches on the idea that it's unhealthy to live a sheltered life. But at times, the movie lays it on a bit too much with Guy and his "solutions" leaving Grug on the losing end.Most of the humour used in The Croods is very physical and slapstick oriented. Characters have Loony Toons levels of invincibility as they endure intense physical pain. This type of humour obviously appeals to fairly young children, but I would be lying if I said I did not laugh at the film at all. The Croods avoids using crude toilet humour to generate cheap laughs. There is not much in the way of verbal humour, but there are some running gags, and modernisms are kept to a minimum. They are still there but they are more putting modern products in a Stone Age setting, a little like The Flintstones, so they serve more as pop-cultural winks to adults.As expected from a DreamsWork movie the animation is fantastic. It's quick and fluid, and the camera flows nicely as it follows the action. The Croods themselves have a seemingly unpleasant, bulky design to them but it actually works in the context of the film because the characters live in the wild, so big and broad makes sense. It is a little refreshing to see the main female character is not made out to be a stunning beauty, but rather someone who has been shaped by her environment. The beginning of the movie starts with in dry, mono-coloured landscapes before we get to see the bright colours of the jungle and continually seeing the weird creature reminiscence of designs of Sanders' previous works.Like other animated movies these days, The Croods has a big name voice cast and they also do a decent, if standard job. No one disgraces themselves. Cage is an unusual choice, but he gives a strong performance. There is only one time when Cage is let off the handle; Unfortunately, that is when we are experiencing the most modernism the movie has to offer.The Croods is not going to match the heights of DreamsWorks major hits of Shrek, Kung Fu Panda, and How to Train Your Dragon. But it certainly does not belong with the dregs the studio has to offer. It does what it sets out to do: make a movie that will please children while attempting to give a positive message and some heart. It has an old-fashioned sense of humour that leads to a surprisingly enjoyable animated movie.(我从IMDb上找的,如果嫌长的你可以去掉他概述电影情节的段落或者再做删减,总体来说是篇不错的影评)。

7. 100字英文介绍:疯狂原始人

the original claude a family of six in the old grug (nicholas cage nicolascage dub) under the protection of life. every day to snatch the ostrich eggsfor food, avoid predators chase, the night dad with a narrative story, withimmutable and frozen life in the cave. eldest daughter eep (emma stone emma stone dub) is the girl who was full of curiosity and a dad personality diametrically opposed, she didn't meet a lifetime in this cave, cave wanted to chase the outside world. didn't expect the end of the world comes suddenly, the cave was destroyed, one family was forced to become destitute and homeless. spread in front of them is a new world and a newgorgeous and full of danger, everywhere is the cannibal birds and strange creatures called no name. in a crisis, they encountered a nomadic tribeguy (ryan reynolds ryan reynolds dub), with his extraordinary creativityand innovative ideas, help claude a once escaped the difficulties, gradually replaced the father's position, into the claude family's idol, and eep alsodark born affair. but the unknown source or origin of the mysterious mantravel what is the purpose of what in the end, where is the home of one family so, stubborn conservative dad, rebellious daughter eep, fantastic man guy, like a mad dog baby, crazy old grandmother, two missing brother,and gentle mother, go on a journey to find a new home. they all the wayand boxing monkey fight, and piranha hide and seek, almost caused theforest fire。

during the journey, their and seemingly ferocious but actually very adorable little crocodile dog, parrot tiger became friends, again and again to change danger into safety, the way also invented a lot of "" products; high-tech. they launched a hilarious and breathtakingjourney in the film.中文 原始人克鲁德一家六口在老爸grug(尼古拉斯·凯奇 nicolas cage 配音)的庇护下生活。

每天抢夺鸵鸟蛋为食,躲避野兽的追击,每晚听老爸叙述同一个故事,在山洞里过着一成不变的生活。大女儿eep(艾玛·斯通 emma stone 配音)是一个和老爸性格截然相反的充满好奇心的女孩,她不满足一辈子留在这个小山洞里,一心想要追逐山洞外面的世界。


危机中,他们遇到了游牧部落族人guy(瑞恩·雷诺兹 ryan reynolds 配音),凭借他超凡的创造力和革新思想克鲁德一家一次一次躲过重重困难,渐渐取代了老爸的地位,变成克鲁德全家人的偶像,也和eep暗生情愫。但这个来历不明的神奇男子旅行的目的究竟是神马?在末日来临时,哪里才是一家人的安居之所?就这样,顽固保守的老爸,叛逆的大女儿eep,神奇男子guy,像小疯狗一样的baby,疯狂老太奶奶,二缺的弟弟,以及温柔的妈妈,一起踏上了寻找新家园的旅途.他们一路上与拳击猴搏斗,与食人花捉迷藏,还差点酿成了森林大火……旅途中,他们与看似凶猛实则很萌的小鳄犬 ,鹦鹉虎成为了朋友,一次又一次化险为夷,途中还发明了许多"高科技"产品。


8. 求《疯狂原始人》这几句经典对白的英文翻译


Melon brother: Xiao Yi, what are you doing over there It's too dangerous!


Xiao Yi: I don't know


Melon brother: Why don't you know Stop searching. Fear can keep us alive, don't stop being scared.


Melon brother: We have to/must live.


Xiao Yi: This is not living, we are just not dead. There is a difference between the two.


Melon brother: There is no more darkness, no more hiding, no more children. What is the center of these Follow the sun. I can't change anything, and i have no idea. But i have my power, and you now need it.


Melon brother's wife: No. We don't even know what will be over there, it's too dangerous.


Melon brother: This is a chance.


Xiao Yi: I still have a lot to tell you. I want to explain many things to you, but we always don't have time.


Melon brother: I understand.


Xiao Yi: this feels so wonderful/good. What must it be called


Gua Ge: I think this is called a hug.


Gua Ge: Now all close your eyes and sleep. We can get everything we need when we wake up.


Xiao yi: Is it tomorrow


Gua Ge: It is a hole/cave.


9. 疯狂原始人电影英文观后感,80词左右,最好原创

Some time ago,I watched a film called "crazy primitive man" movie,very beautiful.The story is this:the primitive forest is home to murmur a melon brother,father,mother Wuga,grandmother,daughter Xiao Yi,and brother tank.They are Dad's asylum,eating the same food,night listen to the same story,every day to live the same life.But he doesn't like this kind of life,she is like the outside do not like the world.

One day,to a covered person,he told the melon brother a,doomsday will come,must leave them now.Since then the melon brother a and cover together started a life of adventure.On the way,cover came up with many good ideas to help you ride out the storm,so the family began to trust cover without trust dad -- melon brother.Watermelon brother unconvinced,came up with a lot of wrong ideas,to attract families to trust yourself,but the results run counter to one's desire.Cover told melon brother,life is needs to use the brain.Methods using cover melon brother to think,solve problems,and allow the family to sit up and take notice.The end finally arrived,tell them to chase the light cover,melon brother forced my family into the opposite safety mountain,and he had stayed in the lonely mountain.The family was saved,estimate the God was moved by his kindness,let he escaped this wreaked such havoc,melon brother in tiger and cannibalism birds with the help of family reunion.In the sunshine after the rain,after the challenge,they finally full of vitality in an island lived a happy life.

After watching the movie I was touched by the melon dad's brother,he is in danger the first thought of his children,rather than his own.The more I learned that no matter what kind of difficulties encountered,must learn to move the brain,only thoughtful,unremittingly,no difficulty can be solved.






You sent out your save-the-dates

是啊 我确实发了

Yeah, I did, actually.




So one of us.


is not moving her date

你让我吃惊 丽芙 真的

Well, you amaze me, Liv. You really do.


You-You never ask me what I want.


You just figure you know best, end of story.

"艾玛 穿这个 艾玛 那么说"

"Emma, wear this. Emma, say that."


Well, Emma's pretty frickin' tired of it.


Don't think I didn't notice how totally freaked out.


you were because I had the nerve to get engaged before you

好了 给我等等 首先 丹尼尔12月就买了戒指了

Okay, wait. First of all, Daniel bought that ring in December.

好吗 所以这么算 我在先

Okay So officially, I was first.

噢 可悲 可悲

Oh, pathetic. Pathetic!

第二 总有人让你做你不喜欢的事

Second, people always make you do things you don't wanna do.

艾玛 就好像你是个软骨头 等等 对了

Emma, it's like you don't have a spine. Oh, wait. That's right.


You don't have a spine.

是没人能说你软弱 丽芙

No one could accuse you of being soft, Liv.


You grabbed the first date in June Marion offered.


without even asking me first.


At least I'm not so terrified of being alone.


that I people-please my way through life.

艾玛 你总是将就

Emma, you settle.


Are you saying that I'm settling with Fletcher


I wasn't thinking about Fletcher.


You came up with that one on your own.

改日子 丽芙

Move your date, Liv.

你改日子吧 艾玛

You move your date, Emma.

已成定局了 你输了

It's done. You lose.


Your wedding better watch it.


What did you just say


I said your wedding should be very scared right now.

如果我是你的婚礼 我睡觉都不敢闭上眼睛

If I were your wedding, I'd sleep with one eye open.


Why don't you just save your threats for Daniel


After all, isn't that how you got a proposal out of him

我就是这么搞定的 操你的婚礼

That's how I did it. Your wedding can suck it.

你说什么 操我的婚礼

What did you just say My wedding can suck it

我说操你的婚礼 你的婚礼会

- I said your wedding can suck it. - Your wedding can s- be-

我要说 你的会

I mean, yours can be, um-

会 会是

Can-Can be, uh-


not that-



再见 女士们 嘿 丽芙

Bye, ladies. Hey, Liv.




Your wedding will be huge.


Just like your ass at prom.



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