若米知识 > 影视 > 电影暮光之城1-电影暮光之城1的演员表


导读电影暮光之城1的演员表答主演:罗伯特·帕丁森 Robert Pattinson 饰 爱德华·卡伦 Edward Cullen(男主角)克里斯汀·斯图尔特 Kristen Stewart 饰 贝拉·斯旺 Bella Swan(女主角)阿什丽·格林尼 As...




罗伯特·帕丁森 Robert Pattinson 饰 爱德华·卡伦 Edward Cullen(男主角)

克里斯汀·斯图尔特 Kristen Stewart 饰 贝拉·斯旺 Bella Swan(女主角)

阿什丽·格林尼 Ashley Greene 饰 爱丽丝·黑尔 Alice Hale(库伦家族短发吸血女)

杰克逊·拉斯波恩 Jackson Rathbone 饰 贾斯帕·黑尔 Jasper Hale(Alice的配偶,库伦家族吸血鬼)

凯姆·吉甘戴 Cam Gigandet 饰  詹姆斯 James (追踪Bella的反派吸血鬼)

蕾切尔·李费佛 Rachelle Lefevre 饰 维多利亚 Victoria (James的配偶,反派吸血女)

妮基·瑞德 Nikki Reed 饰 罗莎莉·卡伦 Rosalie Cullen(库伦家族里比较凶的吸血女,替Bella引开James)

凯兰·鲁茨 Kellan Lutz 饰埃美特·卡伦 Emmett Cullen(Rosalie的配偶,库伦家族吸血鬼)

彼得·费辛利 Peter Facinelli 饰 卡莱尔·卡伦 Carlisle Cullen(库伦医生)

伊莉莎白·里瑟 Elizabeth Reaser 饰 埃斯梅·卡伦 Esme Cullen(库伦夫人)

泰勒·洛特 Taylor Lautner 饰 雅各布·布莱克 Jacob Black(Bella的朋友,狼人后代)

迈克·韦尔奇 Michael Welch 饰 Mike Newton(Bella的同学,小男生)

安娜·肯德里克 Anna Kendrick 饰 Jessica(Bella的同学,倾心Mike)

贾斯汀·钱 Justin Chon 饰 Eric(Bella的同学,“万事通”)

克里斯蒂·瑟拉图斯 Christian Serratos 饰 Angela(Bella的同学,清瘦女生)

蕾妮·德尔 Renee Dwyer 贝拉妈妈

查理·斯旺 Charlie Swan 贝拉爸爸

比利·布莱克 Billy Black  雅各布的爸爸




《暮光之城》,作者是美国女作家斯蒂芬妮·梅尔(Stephenie Meyer),故事描写的是中学生贝拉与青春帅气的吸血鬼爱德华的浪漫爱情故事。卡伦家族 爱德华·库伦 Edward Cullen 本名(变成吸血鬼前的名字): Edward Anthony Mason Edward 种类:吸血鬼 生日:06/30/1901 忌日(变成吸血鬼的日子):1918年 (拥有永远17岁的外表) 能力:读心术,,力量 配偶:Isabella Swan 子女:Renesmee Carlie Cullen(半人半吸血鬼混血女儿) 身高:185cm 改变原因:因为1918年得了西班牙流感而死,被卡莱尔救下(他的生母似乎明白卡莱尔能帮她儿子, 所以临死前叮嘱卡莱尔救爱德华) 在电影里是由罗伯特·帕丁森(Robert Pattinson)饰 贝拉·卡伦 Bella Cullen (嫁给Edward之后-《破晓》中) 本名(没有嫁给爱德华之前的名字):伊莎贝拉·玛丽·斯旺 Isabella Marie Swan 昵称:Bella, Bells, Vampire girl,human girl 种类:没有生下Renesmee之前是人类 (Twilight到Breaking Dawn),生下Reenesme之后奄奄一息时被注射了毒液后成为了吸血鬼(Breaking Dawn) 生日:09/13/1987 忌日(变成吸血鬼的日子):09/10/2006 (拥有永远18岁的外表) 能力:盾牌术(盾牌,抵御一切来自于心理的超能力,还是人类时已经能抵御,变成吸血鬼后可以保护别人),超强自控力 配偶:Edward Cullen 子女:Renesme Carlie Cullen(半人半吸血鬼混血女儿) Bella 身高:5' 5"(约等于165cm) 改变原因:生孩子大出血肋骨脊椎骨断裂濒临死亡,被爱德华从心脏注入毒液成为吸血鬼 在电影里是由克里斯汀·斯图尔特(Kristen Stewart)饰 蕾妮斯梅·卡理·卡伦 Renesmee Carlie Cullen 名字解释:蕾妮斯梅—蕾妮&埃斯梅;卡理—卡莱尔&查理;卡伦—爱德华的姓氏 种类:一半吸血鬼一半人类 生日:09/10/2006 能力:让别人看到自己在想什么(与父亲Edward的能力相反),还有反防御(任何人都无法拒绝她,与母亲Bella的能力相反) 父母:Edward Cullen & Isabella Cullen 是阿尔法狼人Jacob Black的专属烙印爱人 据推断,她在7岁左右成长为成人,保持17岁的外表,拥有吸血鬼的坚硬皮肤、人类的心跳、和狼人相近的体温、24对染色体 第四部破晓中出现的角色,演员未知 Carlisle 卡莱尔·卡伦 Carlisle Cullen 本名(变吸血鬼前的名字):Carlisle Cullen 种类:吸血鬼 生日:1640年左右 (拥有永远23岁的外表) 能力:无限同情心与怜悯心 配偶:Esme Cullen 职业:医生 改变原因:在追捕吸血鬼的过程中被吸血鬼发现并且咬伤,试图自杀多次未果,就决定不杀人,以动物的血为生 在电影里是由Peter Facinelli饰 埃斯梅·卡伦 Esme Cullen 本名(变吸血鬼前的名字):Esme Anne Platt Esme 种类:吸血鬼 生日:1895年左右 (拥有永远26岁的外表) 能力:爱心 配偶:Carlisle Cullen 改变原因:因为儿子意外死亡而伤心欲绝,她试图跳崖自杀,被卡莱尔救下(在这之前已经遇到过卡莱尔一次……被救是第二次遇见) 在电影里是由Elizabeth Reaser饰 罗莎莉·黑尔 Rosalie Hale 本名(变吸血鬼前的名字):Rosaile Lillian Hale 种类:吸血鬼 生日:1933年 (拥有永远18岁的外表) 能力:执著,美丽,精通暗杀,汽车修理,钢琴 配偶:Emmett Cullen 改变原因:被未婚夫罗斯特·金和他的朋友们强暴并杀害后,在街头奄奄一息,被卡莱尔发现并救下,当时罗莎莉并不满意卡莱尔的做法。改变后向罗斯特·金和他的朋友们复了仇。 在电影里是由Nikki Reed饰 埃美特·卡伦 Emmett Cullen 左罗莎莉,右埃美特[1] 本名(变吸血鬼前的名字):Emmett McCarty 种类:吸血鬼 生日:1915年 (拥有永远20岁的外表) 能力:力量 配偶:Rosalie Cullen 改变原因:被熊伤害,罗莎莉发现他并将他背到卡莱尔那里,让卡莱尔改变了他,罗莎莉觉得他非常像以前自己好朋友的儿子亨利,她很喜欢亨利的单纯可爱,所以才会出手救他。 在电影里是由Kellan Lutz饰 爱丽丝·卡伦 Alice Cullen 本名(变吸血鬼前的名字):Mary Alice Brandon 种类:吸血鬼 生日:1901 (她不记得自己是什么时候被变成吸血鬼的,但在《暮色》中,詹姆斯告诉贝拉爱丽丝的身世——爱丽丝年幼时,曾因能看到未来,被家人误认为神经有问题,被关进了疯人院。詹姆斯曾经失手的猎物就是人类时期的爱丽丝,但有一个老吸血鬼改造了她,并将她藏在地下室,由于一片漆黑,她忘记了。) 能力:看得见可能发生的事情还有即将发生的事情(主观上的,如果当事人中途改变想法那么预言就不会实现。并且因种族关系看不见狼人和Renesmee的未来,当贝拉和雅各布在一起时不能预见贝拉的未来) 配偶:Jasper Hale 改变原因:被詹姆斯(追捕贝拉的詹姆斯)发现并试图吸干血液,但是被一名老吸血鬼改变,救了她在电影里是由Ashley Greene饰 左爱丽丝,右贾斯帕[2] 贾斯帕·黑尔 Jasper Hale 本名(变吸血鬼前的名字):: Jasper Whitlock 种类:吸血鬼 生日:1843年 (拥有永远20岁的外表) 能力:控制周围人的情绪 配偶:Alice Cullen 改变原因:当少校的时候被玛利亚等三姐妹发现并改变,成为新生儿参加南方吸血鬼战争(由于贾斯帕和罗莎莉长的很像,经常被认作是孪生兄妹,而贾斯帕不介意自己姓什么,所以改和罗莎莉一样的姓,Hale(黑尔)) 在电影里是由Jackson Rathbone饰 斯旺家族 查理·斯旺 Charlie Swan (贝拉的爸爸) 种类:人类 职业:警察 在电影里是由Billy Burke饰 蕾妮·德尔 Renee Dwyer (贝拉的妈妈)本姓,或随新丈夫姓氏,原著中未标) 种类:人类 再婚 在电影里是由饰 狼人家族 雅各布·布莱克 Jacob Black Jacob·Black[3] 昵称:Jake, Mutt, Dog, Mongrel, Pup,Jacob 年龄:15(Twilight), 16(新月到破晓) 种类:人类(暮色)狼人(新月到破晓) 能力:狼群的阿尔法血统 配偶:Renesmee Carlie Cullen(狼人专属烙印,类似于一见钟情) 在电影里是由 Taylor Lautner饰 比利·布莱克 Billy Black 种类:人类+狼人 雅各布的爸爸,查理的好朋友在电影里是由Gil Birmingham饰 (注释:比利因为年轻的时候受伤,所以无法变身,因而不算是狼族的。但是他是狼族血统阿尔法的传人。) 其他狼人:山姆乌利(山姆的烙印爱人为艾米丽 ),赛思,里尔,奎尔,保罗,安布里,杰瑞德。 其他吸血鬼 全名:詹姆斯 James 劳伦特 、詹姆斯 、维多利亚 种类:吸血鬼 能力:追踪者或称为“尾巴” 配偶:维多利亚 在第一部暮色,因企图吸贝拉的血,被贾斯帕、爱丽丝和埃美特联手撕成碎片后用火烧死。 在电影里是由Cam Gigandet饰 全名:维多利亚 Victoria 种类:吸血鬼 能力:逃跑 配偶:詹姆斯 在第三部月食,创造新生儿吸血鬼军队想杀死贝拉,被爱德华杀死 在电影里是由Rachelle Lefèvre饰(暮色,新月) Bryce Dallas Howard饰(月食) 全名:劳伦特 Laurent 种类:吸血鬼 第二部新月,被狼人杀死。 在电影里是由Edi Gathegi饰 全名:赖利·比尔斯 Riley Biers 种类:吸血鬼 由维多利亚创造出来的吸血鬼。在第三部月食中,维多利亚骗赖利说她爱他,于是赖利一直死心塌地的跟随在维多利亚左右她创造了新生儿吸血鬼军队。后来,在《月食》最后的大战中,维多利亚带着赖利去同爱德华、塞思战斗,赖利在战斗中被塞思所杀 在电影里是由Xavier Samuel饰 全名:迪亚戈 Diego 种类:吸血鬼 在第三部月食中,加入赖利的新生儿吸血鬼军队有11个月左右,是赖利的得力干将 全名:布里·坦纳 Bree Tanner 种类:吸血鬼 能力:敏捷的身手和弹跳力,能在一定的范围内发出某武器的最大力量 由赖利创造出来的新生吸血鬼。在《月食》最后的大战中,布里投降于卡伦家,但被随后到来的沃尔图里所杀 在电影里是由Jodelle Ferland饰 沃尔图里家族 领袖:阿罗,马库斯,凯厄斯 沃尔图里的卫士:简,亚历克,费利克斯,德米特里,勒娜特,切尔西 破晓中与卡伦一家一起抵抗沃尔图里的吸血鬼(卡伦家的证人): 坦尼娅,凯特,伊里尔,卡门,彼得,夏洛特,希奥布翰,玛吉,里尔姆,艾蒙,凯比,本杰明, 蒂亚 ,加勒特,玛丽,兰德尔,埃利斯戴,查弗丽娜,塞娜,弗拉德米尔,史蒂芬,卡叽里,休伊伦,维纳尔(他和休伊伦和卡叽里是爱丽丝最后带来的证人,休伊伦是他的姨妈,他本人是半人类半吸血鬼)



《暮光之城》第一部《暮色》讲述的是女主角贝拉在十七岁的时候来到小镇福克斯与父亲查理一起生活。在学校里,贝拉结识了爱德华·卡伦。爱德华其实是“素食”吸血鬼家族卡伦家族的一员。与其他吸血鬼不同的是,爱德华还能看到别人的所思所想,但他却看不透贝拉的心思,贝拉的神秘之处深深吸引了他。 当贝拉受到吸血鬼詹姆斯的追捕之时,整个卡伦家族都行动起来想尽办法保护她。最终,在家人的帮助之下,爱德华杀掉了詹姆斯,救出了贝拉。






Bella exiled himself to the Fox and this remote town on the rainy year-round. How she could not think of, is this choice, let her meet him at the crossroads of destiny. Fair eyes of that moment, has come to understand each other, waiting for them, in addition to the temptation of well-being, as well as dangerous abyss The two men attracted to one another, in the swing between love and danger, along with fresh and exciting to spend every day, like a long absence, the sun, like floating down the romantic city of Twilight.

Since he has a charming appearance, Superman's body, have the ability to see through people's minds, then what is the story behind him And she is just a natural motor nerve is poor, pale skin, like the ordinary girl like illness. Meet that year, they are 17 years of age. Time is a solidification of his roulette, and right she is the rapid rotation. He will be forever young, her youth will eventually decay, both of whom the world really do exist intersection From Adam and Eve began to Toushijinguo the face of the desire of love-hate vortex, mankind is always at a loss.

Well-being slowly forward, he spread Opportunity. When a vulnerable young girl to integrate into a very human world, she faced the danger of the devil than with the kind-hearted kiss much more difficult. 在经 After a beautiful day after the twilight hours, this adventure story of the ups and downs, this time just a prologue.

The authors hero adolescent feelings of emotional confusion and bewildering entanglement characterization was real delicate with great accuracy of the description and Xilian elegant text aroused the reader's endless imagination, Yizhenyihuan stories and bizarre plot twists and turns readers continuous stirred reading impulse. In the refreshing gentleness and lingering into the reader to witness the brilliant youth, first love of the beautiful, also witnessed the fight against Sense and Sensibility, soul and body of the struggle . .

Added: "Twilight of the City" about a pair of mandarin ducks Kuming love story, 17-year-old actress Beilasiwang is a witty, sweet, popular girl, since the move to a small town to live with her father After the acquaintance of a mysterious classmate Edward Cullen male students, while the male students from a "vegetarian" vampire family, but found a special aroma Bella attracted him - he was a smell that she wanted to suck blood, may be again, for the love desperately to suppress their own desires, but also with other similarly tried to kill her vampire fighting, tried every means to protect her. Please do not put it just as an incredible adventure of non-reality of love, when you have, are, or in the future in their own journey of love like a little touch to the feeling, then it is a movement of love for you to write a true legend of the Twilight .

《新月-new moon》 "Crescent-new moon"

Edward is deeply fascinated by Bella, also love the unique scent of her body. Happy Hour is always short-term frustration in her 18-year-old birthday party, the Beira accidentally cut his arm, the blood flow evoked Edward family bloodthirsty nature. In order to protect his beloved people, Edward and his family left the town of Fox.

Edward left, Bella's world completely collapsed, and she began to experiment with risky behavior, because she found that as long as she did a dangerous thing, Edward's voice will appear in her mind. Bella masochistic style madness, and did not let Edward change his mind this time, young Jacob unruly appeared pale in her world, Bella Although he knows the hearts of another person, or affectionately accompany and protect her. One is the icy rock-solid heterogeneous one is solicitous of the hot werewolf, Bella, how will choice . . Edward mistakenly believe that Bella has jumped into the sea dead and can not afford such a sudden a huge blow, he decided to make everything one of the break. Dusk gradually retreat, waiting for them is the horizon beckons to the dark night of the bright crescent, Bella and Edward would be plunged into the dark world beyond redemption do End of life before they can snatch away the precious of each other than themselves together to save the earth the most exciting of love

A taste of chopped constantly tangled life and death of Romance, "New Moon" will the reader into the novel more than the average youth category magical world of diversity, readers not so much to accompany Beira spent her life in the first paragraph of the darkest period of , as it is with Mel's wonderful pen has undergone a magical world, there can be no real life experience of love. Edward struggle, Beira aspirations of love, as well as Jacob's desire for true love has always been three kinds of tension throughout the novel, a good interpretation of the eternal theme of love. Mel with her unique technique of writing and the genius ability to control the reader's heart, passionate readers with the inevitable and Beira, or concentration, breath, or shed a tear.

《月食-eclipse》 "Eclipse-eclipse"

Bella will soon graduate from high school dilemma: she must choose one Edward and Jacob lovers, but this option is very likely lead to ethnic Karen family and Werewolf in a bloody war between the . . blood boiling shellfish laning would like to choose to die to work with Edward looks Sishou, but before their marriage, Edward does not allow her to do so. On the other hand, Jacob's intervention so that the feelings of both of them red light, Beira to visit the injured at the Jacob, the Jacob King took her to his home, took the opportunity to declare her love, and regardless of the wishes of her kissing her. This forced a kiss deeply printed in the hearts of Beira, for Jacob's feelings, Bella has a Li Buqing.

When Bella was severely painful for the selection of lovers when the hardships, she discovered that someone from her room robbing the aim is to follow the smell to sniff out the top of her lies. Bella will be linked to the past, all kinds of accidents, and finally understand the Crane from the legendary family of Victoria is the mastermind behind the scenes manipulating everything. In order to revenge for the death of James, Victoria is gathered a group of accomplices in a hurry to get Fox on the lives of Edward and Bella created a great threat to werewolf ethnic Karen family decided to go to a joint deal with a common enemy. Irreconcilable contradictions of Ice and Fire, the balance of love and sacrifice, the Bella found her to be devoted not only the soul . .

When you can never die, why would you live "Eclipse" to unveil the dark veil, displaying a struggling body and soul. Karen irreconcilable groups of family and the werewolf asked how the conflict be resolved Edward is the angelic kind of Beira and glass-like step on the fragile marriage altar, hand in hand into the Garden of Eden, or Jacob and Bella, and her childhood had on the ordinary human life From the dawn began to break the "twilight", experienced the "crescent" of the heart-breaking and the "eclipse" of the grief, the reader in mind mysteries in the "dawn" hours unravels, while the complex will eventually be the truth in the "midnight sun "in Sudden Impact.

《破晓-breaking dawn》 "Dawn-breaking dawn"

When life is that you can give your loved ones all the time, how can you not dedicate her life to him For Bella, the hopelessly in love with Edward, the live in a fantasy like full of sweet, but also like the nightmare of unfathomable. No matter what kind of choices she made, will affect the fate of the two groups. The two first hand from the moment, Bella and Edward be able to understand each other to find the other half of their own, love is like sunshine after the rain, like moist of their soul. Happiness makes me feel warm, but people skating on thin ice. From two different worlds of taboo love, like a manic storm ravaged afflicted two fragile hearts. Since Bella brave enough to make decisions, a series of alarming events that have accompanied the unprecedented start in this turbulent year, the temptation and conflict, will lead her toward the last crucial moment. Bella Piaowu frame of mind will eventually Trees She and Edward, Jacob three final fate is going to be Like the dawn after the long night, this soul-stirring, 1000 back to 100 rpm romance eventually ushered surprising, breathless conclusion.

《午夜阳光-midnight sun》 "Midnight sun-midnight sun"

By Edward's point of view about the contents of the twilight. Mel's meticulous mind, gentle and deep portrayal of the beautiful Bifeng Edward this role. And because the male lead has a mind-reading ability, while a more detailed image shows the bella Fox first came to town bit by bit. Show the reader a more concrete image of the real Edward.

Note: Due to publishing without permission from the author unauthorized publication of "midnight sun" manuscript of the first 12 chapters, the author decided to suspend writing. Recently, due to strong demand the reader, the author will consider will continue to be creative.






作者: 若米知识




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