若米知识 > 情感 > 小学生英语试卷语录~求小学四到六年级英语的所有语录!


导读求小学四到六年级英语的所有语录!答四年级1、This is my computer. 这是我的电脑。2、That is your computer. 那是你的电脑。3、Is this a teacher’s desk Yes, it is. 这是一张讲台吗?是的,它是。4、...




1、This is my computer. 这是我的电脑。

2、That is your computer. 那是你的电脑。

3、Is this a teacher’s desk Yes, it is. 这是一张讲台吗?是的,它是。

4、What time is it It’s two o’clock. 现在几点?两点钟。

5、It’s 9:45. It’s time for math class. 九点四十五分了。该上数学课了。

6、Is this a teacher’s desk No, it’s not. 这是你的T恤衫吗?不,它不是。

7、What colour is it It’s white. 它是什么颜色?它是白色的。

8、It’s warm today. 今天是暖和的。

9、Let’s play football. 让我们踢足球。

10、It’s cool. 天气是凉爽的。

11、Is it cold? Yes, it is./No, it isn’t. 天气寒冷吗?

12、How much is it It’s ten yuan. 它是多少钱?它是10元。

13、How much are they They’re three yuan. 它们多少钱?它们3元。

14、Are they ducks No, they aren’t. 它们是鸭子吗?不,它们不是。

15、How many horses are there Twelve. 有多少匹马? 12匹。


1、Who’s your English teacher Mr Black. 谁是你的英语老师?卡特先生。

2、What’s he like He’s tall and strong. 他是什么样子?他又高又强壮。

3、Is she quite No, she isn’t. 她是文静的吗?不,她不是。

4、She’s very active. 她是活跃的。

5、Is she strict Yes, she is, but she’s very kind. 她是严肃的吗? 是的,她是,但是她非常亲切。

6、What day is it today It’s Wednesday. 今天星期几? 今天星期三。

7、What do you have on Thursdays We have English, math and science on Thursdays. 在星期四,你们上什么课? 我们星期四上英语,数学和科学。

8、What do you do on Saturdays I watch TV on Saturdays. 在星期六你做什么? 星期六我看电视。

9、What do you have for lunch on Mondays We have tomatoes,tofu and fish. 在星期一你们吃什么? 我们吃西红柿,豆腐和鱼。

10、What’s your favourite fruit? I like apples. They’re sweet. 你最喜爱的水果是什么? 我喜欢苹果。它们是甜的。

11、I like fruit. But I don’t like grapes. They’re sour. 我喜欢水果,但我不喜欢葡萄,它们是酸的。

12、What can you do I can sweep the floor. 你能做什么?我会扫地。

13、I can cook the meals. 我会煮饭。 I can water the flowers. 我会浇花。

14、Can you make the bed No, I can’t. 你会整理床铺吗? 不,我不会。

15、Can you use a computer Yes, I can. 你会使用电脑吗?是的,我会。

16、The trash bin is behind the door. 垃圾箱在门后面。

17、There are two bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a living room. 有两间卧室,一间厨房和一间起居室。

18、There is a mirror, a bed and a big closet. 有一面镜子,一张床和一个大衣橱。

19、The closet is near the table. 衣橱在桌子的旁边。

20、Many clothes are in the closet. 很多衣服在衣橱里。

21、Is there a forest in the park Yes, there is. 在公园里有一个森林吗? 是的,有。

22、Is there a river No, there isn’t. 有一条小河吗不,没有。

23、When do you eat dinner I eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening. 你什么时候吃晚饭? 我在晚上7点吃晚饭。

24、When do you get up I usually get up at 12:00 at noon. 你什么时候起床?我通常在中午12点起床。

25、What do you do on the weekend 在周末你干什么? Usually I watch TV and go shopping. Sometimes I visit my grandparents. 我通常看电视和购物。有时候我去看望外祖父母。

26、What about you I often play football. Sometimes I go hiking. 那你呢? 我经常踢足球。有时候我去远足。

27、Which season do you like best I like winter best. 你最喜欢哪一个季节?我最喜欢冬天。

28、Summer is good, but fall is my favourite season. 夏天是好,但秋天才是我最喜欢的季节。

29、Why do you like summer Because I can swim in the lake. 你为什么喜欢夏天?欣慰我可以在湖里游泳。

30、Why do you like winter Because I can sleep a long time. 你为什么喜欢冬天?因为我可以睡很长时间。

31、When is your birthday It’s in May. 你的生日在什么时候?它在5月。

32、My birthday is in June. Uncle Bill’s birthday is in June, too. 我的生日在6月。比尔叔叔的生日也在6月。

33、Is her birthday in June Yes. What’s the date June 9th . 她的生日在6月吗?是的。 是什么日期?6月9日。

34、What are you doing I’m doing the dishes. 你在做什么? 我正在洗碗碟。

35、I’m reading a book. 我正在读书。 Grandpa is writing a letter. 外祖父正在写信。 Brother is doing homework. 弟弟正在做作业。 Mom is cooking dinner in the kitchen. 妈妈正在厨房做晚饭。 He’s writing an e-mail in the study. 他正在书房写电子邮件。

36、What is it doing It’s eating bananas. 它正在做什么?它正在吃香蕉。

37、What is she doing She’s jumping. 她正在做什么?她正在跳。

38、What are they doing They’re swimming. 他们正在做什么?他们正在游泳。

39、They’re climbing trees. 他们正在爬树。

40、Are you eating lunch No, we aren’t. 你们正在吃午饭吗? 不 ,我们不是。

41、Are they eating the honey Yes, they are. 他们正在吃蜂蜜吗?是的,他们是。

42、Is he playing chess Yes, he is. 他正在下棋吗?是的,他是。

43、Is she counting insects No, she isn’t. 她正在数昆虫吗?不,她没有。


1、How do you go to school, Sarah Usually I go to school on foot. Sometimes I go by bike. 你怎样去上学,萨拉? 我通常步行去上学。 有时候我骑自行车。

2、How can I get to Zhongshan Park You can go by the No.15 bus. 我怎样到达中山公园? 你可以乘15路公共汽车。

3、Where is the cinema, please It’s next to the hospital. 请问,电影院在哪里? 它与医院相邻。

4、Turn left at the cinema, then go straight. It’s on the left. 在电影院转左,然后一直走。它在左边。

5、What are you going to do on the weekend 你周末打算做什么? I’m going to visit my grandparents this weekend. 周末我打算去看望我的外祖父母。

6、Where are you going this afternoon I’m going to the bookstore. 今天下午你打算去哪里? 我打算去书店。

7、What are you going to buy I am going to buy a comic book. 你打算去买什么? 我打算买一本漫画书。

8、What’s your hobby I like collecting stamps. He likes collecting stamps, too. 你的爱好是什么? 我喜欢收集邮票。 他也喜欢收集邮票。

9、Does she teach English No, she doesn’t. 她教英语吗? 不,她不是。

10、Does she teach you math Yes, she does. 她教你数学吗? 是,她是。

11、What does your mother do She is a TV reporter. 你的妈妈是干什么的? 她是一名电视台记者。

12、Where does she work She works in a school. 她在哪里工作? 她在学校工作?

13、How does she go to work She goes to work by bus. 她怎样去上班? 她乘公共汽车去上班。

14、Where does the rain come from It comes from the clouds. 雨来自哪里?它来自云。

15、How do you do that 你怎样做?

16、What should you do then 然后你应该怎么做呢?

17、How tall are you I’m 164 cm tall. 你多高? 我164厘米高。

18、You’re shorter than me.You’re 4 cm shorter than me. 比我矮。 你比我矮4厘米。

19、How heavy are you I’m 48 kg. 你多重? 我48公斤。

20、I’m thinner and shorter than you. 我比你瘦,比你矮。

21、What’s the matter My throat is sore. My nose hurts. 你怎么事情?我的喉咙疼。

22、How are you, Liu Yun You look so happy. 你怎样,刘云? 你看上去很开心。

23、How are you, Sarah You look sad today. 你怎样,萨拉?今天,你看上去很悲伤。 24、What did you do last weekend I played football. 你上周末做什么了? 我去踢足球了。

25、Did you read books Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t. 你读书了吗?

26、Where did you go on your holiday I went to Xinjiang. 在你的假期,你去了哪里? 我去了新疆。

27、How did you go there I went by train. 你怎样去哪里? 我乘火车去的。





The purpose of life is not to live long, is for the sake of living well.


A blunt knife may be sharpened on a stone, one stupid people learn. By artificial division can progress.


No natural confidence, only by constantly cultivate confidence.


A person's biggest bankruptcy is desperation, the greatest assets is hope.


Perfection of human character is the, the establishment of the wealth is the last.


Life without books, like no sunlight; Life without books, like a bird without wings.


Learning is labor, it is full of ideological work.


Don't strive for success, make a man of value.


Don't go, don't know road far. Don't study hard, don't know the truth.


The lush movie need water; The growth of the young need to learn.


Only trying to climb the peak of people, step on the foot to the summit. The trouble is that one textbook.


All great actions and thoughts, all have a insignificant beginning.


How deep knowledge don't meet, how small fault and don't ignore.


Choose what you like, like what you choose.


Victory won't come to us, I must own to victory.


No saliva and sweat, no success of tears.


There is no limit to knowledge, but subject to the conditions of each ability.


With treasure themselves, not equal to equip themselves with knowledge.


Talent is the crystallization of sweat. Talent is the blade, hard work is a grindstone.


Achievement is the ladder of modest person move forward, is also a proud man back slide.


Losing money matter little, reputation thing, lose courage lose all.


Knowledge is the food of spirit.


Genius is such, lifelong efforts, it is a genius.


All knowledge, understand the even ask; Knowledge shallow people, don't understand, also don't ask.


Trees do not repair, not straight long; People do not learn, not knowledge.


Reading is one of the best learning, follow the ideas of the great man, and is full of interesting things.


Knowledge is the wing we fly to the sky.


At the right foot is lazy, an opponent of study is complacency.


In the world the most exhausting matter is that spending every day falsely.


Life all the time, now is the best.


Knowledge is the torch of wisdom.


A little learning is a dangerous knowledge more than anything.


Modesty is the friend of learning, complacency is the enemy of study.


No one without contempt, endurance and struggle to conquer fate.


The broad river calm, learned humble. Show just afraid of garment unlined upper garment, and they were afraid to have no goods in his stomach.


Knowledge is power.


Now, your eyes is you should cherish.


Reflection is not to regret, is to pave the way forward.


A good book has the ability to immortality, it is human activity is the most plentiful and substantial fruit for a long time.


If you want to fly high, you should forget the horizon.


Love reading, is equal to the life time of lonely times of immense enjoyment.


The stars make the gorgeous sky; Knowledge makes one growth ability.


People don't have to riches and honour, only the top best.


Success is not in the future, but from the moment you decided to do, continue to accumulate.


In the vast desert, only when the former into steps is a symbol of hope.


If you want to live happy, you have to love life.


What is happiness Happiness is you see someone more unfortunate than you.


Leisurely to start to do a thing, but in the beginning, is going to stick it out.


The steamed stuffed bun with meat, not on the skin; People have knowledge, don't hang your mouth.


Tenacious vitality of seeds, and never to desert soil curse song.


It is not difficult to a man to do a bit of good, is a lifetime do good, don't do bad things.


The boat of life to set sail, cannot leave the OARS of wisdom.


The ideal of life is for ideal life.


Modesty helps one to go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind.


Self-praise is the weight. Complacency is at the end of wisdom.


Is the mighty drops of blood in the climb on the road, is also a coward disappointed flowing tears.


What is bad Unfortunately you see someone is better than your happiness.


Labor is the source of knowledge. Knowledge is the guide of life.




作者: 若米知识

说男人不求上进的句子 关于男人不求上进的说说(精选25句)



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